Festuca brevipila (hard fescue)

Formerly F. longifolia. Densely tufted, cool season, long-lived perennial bunchgrass with a massive fibrous, shallow root system. Adapted to a wide range of soil conditions except for standing wet or strongly alkaline sites. Establishment is slow but persistent with mature stands being competitive. Good palatability to livestock and excellent for wildlife. Different varieties for either erosion control or turfgrass. Varieties listed below.


Festuca brevipila (Durar hard fescue) map.png


Family: Poaceae

Duration: Perennial, long-lived

Growth Habit: Graminoid

Native Status: Introduced

Season: Cool

Growth Form: Bunchgrass

Mature Height: 30 in.

Annual Precipitation: 16-30 in.

Drought Tolerance: Low

Shade Tolerance: 


Wetland Indicator Status: UPL

Fire Resistance:

Fire Tolerance:


Coarse Texture: No

Medium Texture: Yes

Fine Texture: Yes

Salinity Tolerance:

CaCO3 Tolerance:

pH Range:


Seeds per Pound: 565,000

Seeding Rate:  PLS lbs/acre

Season: Spring

Days to Germination:


Durar - Tall, densely tufted with a tremendous root system, drought resistant and good seed yields. Performs well in rainfall zones of 14-30 in. More drought resistant than Chewings fescue (F. rubra fallax); less than Sheep fescue (F. ovina) and Idaho fescue (F. idahoensis). Primarily used to stabilize roadsides, ditch banks, recreation areas and as a cover crop in orchards and vineyards. (Released 1949)