Phleum pratense (Timothy)
Cool season, short-lived, perennial bunchgrass adapted to deep, moderately moist sites. Shallow, fibrous root system prefers fine textured soils. Very winter hardy; not tolerant of alkaline conditions. Commonly used as irrigated pasture, silage or hay. Palatable and nutritious to wildlife and livestock; hay is considered to be premium horse feed. Excellent companion grass for planting with forage legumes as it is one of the grasses least competitive with legumes, especially Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) or clovers. Varieties listed below.
Family: Poaceae
Duration:Perennial, short-lived
Growth Habit: Graminoid
Native Status: Introduced
Season: Cool
Growth Form: Bunchgrass
Mature Height: 36 in.
Annual Precipitation: 30-65 in.
Drought Tolerance: Low
Shade Tolerance: Intermediate
Wetland Indicator Status: FACU
Fire Resistance: No
Fire Tolerance: Medium
Coarse Texture: No
Medium Texture: Yes
Fine Texture: Yes
Salinity Tolerance: Low
CaCO3 Tolerance: High
pH Range: 5.0-7.8
Seeds per Pound: 1,116,320
Seeding Rate: 1-2 PLS lbs/acre
Season: Spring/Fall
Days to Germination:
Climax - Tall, fine-stemmed leafy variety. Rust resistant. Matures 7-10 days later than common timothy. Excellent fall regrowth. (Released 1947)
Tuukka - Leafier and better seedling vigor when compared to other varieties. Quick regrowth after cutting or grazing, even after a second cutting.